Office rental price in León reports an annual increase of 8%
Solili | June 20, 2024 |

Rental prices for the office sector in León have had a decrease of 8% in a period of one year, dollars per square meter, the highest level was in June 2023 when it had a starting price of $13.50 dollars per square meter , reaching its minimum level at the end of May 2024 with $12.09 dollars per square meter.

The López Mateos broker registers a rental price of $12.75 USD, being the highest at the end of this month, it is above the average in León; For its part, the Campestre - Country submarket closes May with a starting price of $11.56 USD.

Of interest: Solili Offices Report May 2024: Demand for offices grows 10% compared to April-May 2023

On the other hand, speaking of office developments in León Guanajuato, there are currently 6 large projects under construction which would add 36 thousand square meters to the inventory.

Among the projects that have the largest square footage destined for offices is Haus León with 11 thousand square meters, which is a mixed-use project that will have offices and a residential area. It is located in the Campestre - Country area, one of the main submarkets. from the corporate area of León.

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Mac León will build 12 thousand square meters for offices, which is made up of an annex tower that is part of the Mac Hospital complex, this is located on the López Mateos submarket, which in turn is one of the main connection routes created within of the Comprehensive Mobility Plan for the south of León Guanajuato.

There is a good growth outlook for this emerging market in León Guanajuato, supported by the participation of foreign direct investment as well as the country's internal growth and taking into account the geographical location of the city, there is a good forecast for the office sector. in this 2024.

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