Investments in Data Centers will boost the Querétaro office market
Solili | June 13, 2024 |

At the beginning of May, Microsoft announced the start of operations of its Data Center in the city of Querétaro, whose exact location has not been disclosed due to security issues.

Its opening is expected to have a great impact on the generation of new jobs and greater economic development, so it is important to monitor this market in its office segment, which in April and May presented a demand of almost 2 thousand square meters. , concentrating about 50% of the absorptions in Juriquilla.

Of interest: Solili Offices Report May 2024: Demand for offices grows 10% compared to April-May 2023

On the other hand, vacancy is at one of its lowest levels with 11.77% where the 5 de Febrero and Constituyentes submarkets have 8% of their available spaces. However, it should be noted that to date there are 35 thousand square meters of buildings under construction that could modify these figures.

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In addition to this, to date there are almost 80 thousand square meters of buildings that are still in the planning stage and we hope that as a result of the integration of the new data region, the developers will see the favorable environment for them to be detonated.

With this we will trust that companies see the potential of Querétaro to install their corporations in this market, since they will have greater access to digitalization as a favorable technological means for development and innovation.

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