Expansion of the industrial market of Chihuahua is concentrated in the East and North submarkets
Solili | November 30, 2023 |

Chihuahua have managed to accumulate 95 thousand square meters of gross industrial demand so far this year, a figure that still does not exceed what was reported in the same period of 2023. The start of new announced investments has not yet materialized in the closing of the period as a result of the shortage of supply.

As we approach the end of the year, the Chihuahua industrial market achieves the consolidation of eight projects in the construction phase. These initiatives represent a sum of 133 thousand square meters in development, evidencing a reactivation in construction activity in the region.

Check here: Developers capitalize on investment opportunities amid rising industrial rental prices

The projects currently under construction are mainly concentrated in the East and North submarkets, representing 55% and 25%, respectively, of the total buildings in the development process. This strategic distribution underlines the importance and preference of these areas as key foci for industrial growth in the region. 

The East submarket, with more than half of the projects, emerges as an epicenter of construction activity, likewise the North submarket, with a quarter of the buildings, consolidates its role as an expanding sector.

Currently, according to reports from the Solili platform, a dozen industrial spaces are available in this market with surfaces between 400 square meters and 16.7 thousand square meters. During the third quarter of 2023, all leases were registered in the northern submarket of Chihuahua, where just over half of the industrial inventories are located.

This entity on the northern border, whose most emblematic markets are Ciudad Juárez and Chihuahua, combines a series of indicators that project it with one of the highest potentials to meet the demands of relocations during the coming 2024.

Chihuahua manages to stand out with its high participation in the industrial real estate market with 10.7% of the total inventory nationwide and its leadership in industrial GDP. Another relevant indicator is manufacturing exports, which account for 14% of the national total, in addition to the capacity to attract Foreign Direct Investment, which the entity has proven to maintain so far in 2023.

During 2023, these considerations have led to a scenario of increasing prices that reflect an annual increase of 18.9% in the industrial average rental price.

in Chihuahua $5.31 dollars per square meter monthly, although in the South submarket we found closures of industrial properties above this average.

Of interest: Continues commitment to northern markets, representing 67% of national construction

With vacancy reaching its lowest level in recent quarters at 0.7%, projections indicate that a greater downward adjustment could continue to advance even in the midst of construction activity where nearly 132 thousand square meters of industrial warehouses are currently under construction. month of November. More than half of the projects that are built are concentrated on the eastern submarket.

Industries such as aerospace have been referenced in the last decade for the entity to strengthen itself as the main aerospace exporter nationwide, with around 1.5 billion dollars annually, which has been possible thanks to industrial development that has allowed adequate facilities to be located. for companies that develop in the field.

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), such as Textron Aviation, Bell Helicopter, Honeywell Aeroespace and Safran will continue to plan not only expansions of their operations but the growth of a network of suppliers that strengthens the growth of the aerospace market in the immediate future.

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