Demand for offices reaches 30 thousand m² in Guadalajara between July-August 2023
Solili | September 22, 2023 |

In recent years, Guadalajara has managed to be considered a market with high potential to establish companies where the technological and innovation component stands out nationally.

Companies such as Tata Consultancy, IBM, Oracle, Intel, HP, Amazon, among others, have established operations in this market to meet the needs of various clients  in the areas of financial services, automotive, media and entertainment, e-commerce, pharmaceutical and logistics among the main ones.

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Siemens recently inaugurated its new corporate spaces in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, indicating that they were designed with the objective of providing services with greater efficiency and oriented towards sustainability.

The work modality carried out by the majority of these companies operates under the hybrid scheme, where in-person assistance is combined with the combination of remote work that does not require traveling to the offices.

This behavior is reflected in the gross demand for offices that Guadalajara accumulated with more than 55 thousand square meters between January and August 2023, a figure that represents 32% above what was registered in the same period of 2022, according to the Solili platform. .

In the months of July and August alone, the Guadalajara market registered almost 30 thousand square meters, which places it in second position nationally below Mexico City and above Monterrey.

Currently, corporate vacancy stands at 12.2%, its lowest value in the last five years since Solili monitors this market. At this time, just over 80 thousand square meters of works are progressing in execution and the fact that developers act cautiously when starting new projects has contributed to the downward adjustment in vacancy.

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As of mid-August 2023, the three buildings that offer the largest corporate surfaces are Central Park Guadalajara, Torre Helix and HBE Business Park, with surfaces above 10 thousand square meters in the same building.

Central Park Guadalajara is located on the Vallarta-Américas submarket and is a 23-story building with typical floor plans of 1,300 square meters, although it offers smaller surfaces starting at 300 square meters.

Another emblematic Class A building, with 18 levels of height, such as Torre Helix, has areas from 138 square meters to a maximum of 11.6 thousand square meters on the New Financial Zone submarket with typical floor plans of 637 square meters.

HPE Business Park is located on the Lopez Mateo South submarket, a Class B building that offers a large-format configuration of areas in a 2-level building, with the possibility of locating from 2 thousand to 11.5 thousand square meters.

The variety of areas and locations opens a range of possibilities for companies seeking to establish their headquarters in a market that maintains an excellent opportunity in the price-value relationship.

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