All the Fibras in Mexico report ESG criteria
Inmobiliare | June 29, 2024 |

Currently, 100% of real estate Fibras in Mexico report ASG criteria, said Salvador Daniel Kabbaz Zaga, president of the Mexican real estate fiber association (AMEFIBRA).

Kabbaz Zaga highlighted that the association represents 15 real estate Fibras, which distribute returns from seven sectors generating income in Mexico derived from their more than two thousand properties.

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They also have more than 7 million square meters certified under high international standards and lead the issuance of green bonds, with more than 1.9 billion dollars.

The benefits of offering ASG criteria allow us to reduce risks, manage compliance with standards, boost brand identity, improve access to investment plans and have an appropriate image of social responsibility.

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For her part, Valerie de la Fuente, product and ASG manager at Mastercard, highlighted the importance of sustainability, since consumers currently expect greater commitment from companies. Finally, the Mastercard representative shared that according to studies carried out by his firm, 35% of consumers would stop buying brands that do not have green airplanes for the near future.

In Solili you can check available buildings  in: Puebla, Guadalajara y Guanajuato. 

Original Note.

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