Tijuana reporta un incremento anual del 16% en los precios de alquiler de oficinas
Solili | July 04, 2024 |

The rental price for the Tijuana market has shown an annual increase of 16% compared to May 2023, and it also reports a vacancy of 6.53%, which is mainly concentrated in the Vía Rápida submarket, an area that stands out for its communication routes. between the corporate area of Tijuana and the border crossing.

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Tijuana reports an average rental price of $22.20 dollars per square meter, where the highest is located in the Agua Caliente submarket with a starting price of $23.07 dollars per square meter.

Regarding vacant office spaces in Tijuana, it is observed that class A buildings have 9 thousand square meters available, the rental price range goes from $21.45 dollars per square meter to $27.00 dollars per square meter.

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While the available class B office spaces have 11 thousand square meters available in the office inventory, the starting prices they present range from $14.70 dollars per square meter to $21.00 dollars per square meter.

Tijuana continues to present an expanding real estate market with great challenges, even so positioning itself as a strategic city due to its geographical location, attracting investors from both the industrial, residential, commercial and corporate sectors; In the last half of the year you will be able to observe the proposals and changes that will be made with the support of state and federal authorities.

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