Interest rates on mortgage loans average 10.38%
Real Estate Market & Lifestyle | June 14, 2021 |

According to information from Banco de México (Banxico), the Mortgage Credit Cost Indicator was 10.38% at the end of April, maintaining that level for the second consecutive month.

Since the last quarter of 2020, the average mortgage cost rate had a moderate rebound from its historical low of 9.93% last October, responding to the conditions of the long-term funding reference rates.

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This trend remained in force until the start of 2021, when in January it established a level of 10.44%; However, from then on, the cost of accessing mortgage financing has again moderated.

The information from Banxico shows that for February the average mortgage cost was 10.42% and in the following two months (March and April) it stood at 10.38%, just three basis points above the end of 2019 and 2020 of 10.35%. hundred.

The same source of information indicates that the mortgage cost in April ranged from a minimum interest rate of 8.35% to a maximum of 14.3%, but the minimum at 8.35 percent.

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The moderate ups and downs that have been observed in the last six months, respond to the conditions of the long-term reference rates, such as the M10 Bond, which today stand at 6.67%, but a year ago ( first quarter of 2020) was at levels of 5.25%.

This indicator shows that despite a 1.5 percentage point rebound in just over a year, mortgage interest rates remained very stable.

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