Industrial sectors with the greatest growth potential in the face of nearshoring
Real Estate Market & Lifestyle | September 05, 2024 |

The global reconfiguration of production chains continues to drive the nearshoring phenomenon in Mexico, highlighting several manufacturing industries as the big winners of this trend.

During the year 2023, investment in the manufacturing of electronic products, plastics, energy generation items and aerospace equipment reached 3,237.5 million dollars, which represents 9.0% of the total FDI in the country.

Of interest: Solili Industrial Report August 2024: Leasing doubles the figure registered in August 2023

For the next two or three years, it is estimated that flows related to nearshoring could amount to 130 billion pesos, of which 88,400 million pesos will be allocated to specific manufacturing, 7.5% for the aerospace industry, 6.1% for electronics, 4.0% for energy and 2.4% for plastics.

Despite the existing challenges, exports of electrical and electronic equipment to the United States have increased by 31.6%, while aerospace exports have grown 123.8% in the last 4 years.

Check here: Solili Offices Report August 2024: accumulated demand for offices exceeds half a million m²

According to analysts, these estimated flows are supported by the dynamism of the manufacturing sector in recent years and the attraction that Mexico represents as an investment destination. 

At Solili you can consult industrial warehouses available in: Monterrey, Matamoros y Tijuana.

Original Note.

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