What type of companies are looking for industrial warehouses in Puebla?
Solili | May 15, 2024 |

Data from the Ministry of Economy, Puebla is the second automotive producing state after Aguascalientes. It also has important production companies mainly in metalworking, chemicals, plastics, textiles and agro-industrial.

Over the course of 2023, the Puebla Industrial market had a lease of 24 thousand square meters, mainly by manufacturing and logistics companies, which reflects the interest of tenants in the Puebla industrial market.

Of interest: Solili Industrial Report April 2024: Half a million m² are in demand in Mexico during April

It is expected that over the course of the year, companies driven by nearshoring will become interested in the industrial market of Puebla due to its location, its infrastructure with 10 thousand kilometers of roads and its connectivity with the country's capital and an international airport.

The industrial market of Puebla has a vacancy rate of 0.4% equivalent to 8 thousand square meters available with respect to its inventory of more than 2 million square meters of industrial warehouses.

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These spaces are available from 1,000 square meters to 10,000 industrial square meters in the Finsa Puebla I and Sanctorum parks. With a stable market price of $6.00 dollars per square meter.

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