Tijuana faces a significant gap between demand and industrial availability
Solili | June 14, 2023 |

The Tijuana industrial market at the end of May 2023 has about thirty industrial spaces with surfaces ranging from 900 square meters to 37.4 thousand square meters, according to reports issued by the Solili real estate platform.

This offer, which reaches 385,000 square meters, is mostly speculative and is divided equally between existing buildings and buildings under construction.

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The current offer seeks to meet a demand that in the first five months of 2023 exceeded 243 thousand square meters. However, although the pace of construction advances steadily above 585,000 square meters, it is not enough given the strong impulse brought about by the relocation of companies to Mexican territory, which is expressed more strongly in the markets of the northern border.

In recent statements issued by spokespersons for the Mesa Otay Industrial Association, the possibility of vertical growth for the industrial sector in Tijuana was explored due to lack of space. This option may be viable in industries such as food, textiles, cosmetics, medicines, and footwear, as seen in markets in San Diego and California.

Throughout 2022 and so far this year, the interest of companies in the medical device sector to settle in Mexican territory continues to be maintained. The proximity to San Diego, which is a city where biotechnology has boomed, allows for the possibility of installing specialized suppliers in areas where costs are more competitive and where there is availability of qualified labor.

With the growth rate set by demand, various developers are attracted to locate new estates in areas with industrial potential, mainly to the north of this market, which is not exempt from obtaining the necessary energy sources for the performance of industrial activity.

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At the end of February 2023, the Tijuana Economic and Industrial Development Association (Deitac) announced the investment of 635 million dollars for industrial development. The investment is focused on acquiring more land to provide it with infrastructure, working together with more than fifteen developers that make up this market.

The main challenges are associated with the more rugged topography that affects cost increases and the development of joint work between public agencies and the private sector.

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