López Mateos Sur led the demand for offices in Guadalajara in April-May 2024
Solili | June 18, 2024 |

In the period of April and May of this year, the demand for office spaces in Guadalajara closed at 8 thousand square meters, on this occasion the López Mateos Sur submarket surprised by leading the absorptions with more than 3 thousand square meters leased.

Of interest: Solili Offices Report May 2024: Demand for offices grows 10% compared to April-May 2023

It has been a submarket with little demand, in the past 2023, it only showed activity in the third quarter. It is the one with the smallest number of office buildings in Guadalajara, however, it has large buildings such as the HPE Business Park with more than 42 thousand square meters of net profitable area and Connect of more than 19 thousand square meters, which With the absorptions of these two months it is fully occupied.

On the other hand, the Puerta de Hierro submarkets with almost 2 thousand square meters and Nueva Zona Financiera with 1.5 thousand square meters also added to the total demand with the sale of several of their spaces in The District building.

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The Plaza del Sol submarket on this occasion had almost 900 square meters of absorption in the Compusoluciones building and in Vallarta - Américas with its recently inaugurated República District that has already presented sales.

Guadalajara has had significant leasing activity in this period, continuing a trend of preference towards class A spaces, since 97% of occupancies were in buildings with luxury features. Vacancies were only 350 square meters, so we expect the end of the quarter to be favorable for this market.

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