Japan will increase its investment participation by 66% during 2024
Forbes | December 13, 2023 |

The ambassador of Japan in Mexico, Moriteru Fukushima, estimated an increase of 66% in the flow of investment from Japanese companies towards projects such as plants, factories and production lines to be built in the country, estimating an amount of 2.4 billion dollars.

Japan has always been the fourth largest investment in Mexico, behind the United States, Canada and Spain, the diplomat commented before a group of investors, who crossed the Pacific Ocean to learn what is happening with the Mexican economy.

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“Due to nearshoring and the international situation, Mexico will receive more than 40 billion dollars this year and next year they will surely receive 50 billion dollars to 60 billion dollars,” commented the government representative. from Japan.

Today in Japan they are talking about Mexico and India as the two countries that attract a lot of foreign investment worldwide, recalled Noriteru Fukushima.

Mexico and India are receiving a lot of investments due to the current international situation, the trade war between China and the United States, as well as the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The diplomat said that several very important companies and businessmen from Japan arrived in Mexico City.

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“Muchos de los que vienen de Japón quieren saber qué está pasando en México, qué va a hacer en México, cómo va a ser México, porque por el nearshoring  están viniendo muchas empresas”, expresó el embajador.

“Estamos informando en Tokio que México tiene potencia, no solo por estas coyuntura internacional, México tiene potencia, por eso quiero que la gente de Tokio entienda esa realidad”, concluyó el embajador de Japón en México.

En Solili puedes consultar nave industriales disponibles en Saltillo y Monterrey

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