Investments in industrial buildings through collective funding
Econohabitat | September 04, 2023 |

The dynamism of industrial real estate from the reconfiguration of supply chains and the installation of companies in Mexico has captured the attention of the real estate crowdfunding platform 100 Ladrillos, which seeks to capture opportunities to democratize the benefits of nearshoring. .

According to Hugo Blum, the company's CEO, the goal is to close 2023 with a total placement of 300 million pesos, of which 150 million are related to the industrial warehouse segment.

Of interest: Solili Industrial Report August 2023, Mexico City retakes the lead with 146 thousand m² leased

"Due to the pandemic, the shortage of supplies and the restrictions that the United States has with China, Mexico has become very attractive to the world's large manufacturers. Nearshoring is not a fashionable topic, we are sure that it will bring a lot of economic movement in the real estate sector", he commented in an interview.

The inventory of industrial buildings in the most important markets in the country, such as Mexico City and Monterrey, have an occupancy level of more than 98%, according to data from Solili; Said demand has caused rental prices to have significant increases that benefit investors.

"The market for industrial buildings is very profitable. In the last three years, the increase in rents for these assets was three times inflation; we went from 4 to 7 dollars per square meter, because there is a shortage of product," Blum said.

Consult here: Cuautitlán and Tultitlán industrial submarkets concentrate 70% of the construction in CDMX

The strategy of 100 Ladrillos will be to address properties for last-mile logistics operations in the United States and spaces for manufacturing processes in northern Mexico, especially in Mexicali, Baja California, Nuevo León and Jalisco.

At the moment, 30% of the investment opportunities analyzed by the platform are properties from the industrial sector, which must meet four main factors, including having commercial attractiveness for tenants, financial attractiveness for investors, having a safe structure and design adequate, and finally that they are properties free of legal conflicts

In Solili you can consult industrial warehouses available in Reynosa and Ciudad Juárez

Original note

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