Auto parts industry recovers after the pandemic
T21 | May 10, 2022 |

The National Auto Parts Industry (INA) reported that by the end of 2022 the forecast in the production of national auto parts will be 101 thousand 254 million dollars (mdd), advancing 6.8% compared to the year 2021, said Alberto Bustamante, Director General of the INA.

It broke down that in January 2019 there was a production of 8 thousand 125 million dollars, in turn, in January 2022, 8,154 million dollars were obtained, which represents an advance of 0.4%, having achieved figures above 2019.

The estimated total production of auto parts in North America stands at 376 thousand 679 million dollars, divided into: the United States with 245 thousand 240 million dollars; Mexico with 101 thousand 254 million dollars and Canada with 30 thousand 185 million dollars.

In the case of the auto parts producing entities in Mexico, Coahuila was crowned with the first place with 17% of the total production in Mexico, followed by Chihuahua with 12% and in third place was Nuevo León with 11.5%. Guanajuato y Querétaro close the Top 5 with 10.9% and 6.7%, respectively.

Check here: Michoacán receives investment from ArcelorMittal for 150 million dollars

By percentage, the northern zone of the country is positioned as the leader in production, accumulating 52.2% of the total, concentrating mainly on Coahuila, Chihuahua, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Sonora and Baja California.

In turn, Guanajuato, Querétaro, State of Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Morelos, Mexico City and Tlaxcala are the entities that add up to 45.2%.

Regarding exports of national auto parts, the United States continues to be the country of destination that heads the list with 89.6% in the period January-February 2022, which is equivalent to 12 thousand 221 million dollars, followed by Canada with 273 million dollars with the 2%.

Of interest: Construction begins on a new industrial warehouse in Parque Las Américas, Coahuila

Meanwhile, imports from January to February 2022, 53.8% are of US origin, a total of 4 thousand 996 million dollars, in second place, China is placed with 14.5%, a figure that according to the opinion of the director general of the INA it will decrease due to the value of the regional content that was ruled in the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC).

Regarding the global affectation of semiconductors from January to April 2022, an impact of one million 497 thousand 078 million units was experienced, 40% less than compared to the same period last year when two million 504 thousand 949 were affected. million units.

The North American region saw a 63% reduction in the impact of semiconductor damage, adding 285,826 vehicles from January to April 2022, compared to the same period in 2021, when 768,553 vehicles were affected.

In Solili you can consult industrial warehouses available in Mexicali y Tecate 

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