​ Guanajuato reports an industrial supply of 265 m2 during the fifth month of 2024
Solili | June 21, 2024 |

The Guanajuato industrial market ends the fifth month of the year with a vacancy of 265 thousand square meters of industrial warehouses, a similar amount to the same period in 2023.

With a vacancy rate of around 3%, Guanajuato remains stable in available industrial warehouses, continuing as a market of interest for companies due to its geographical location and qualified workforce.

Of interest: Ciudad Juárez has the second highest industrial vacancy rate in the country

This stability in the vacant space is due to the construction that was completed in the months of May and June within the Skyplus, Guanajuato Park and Santa Fé Puerto Interior parks. Of which 47 thousand square meters remain available.

The “Silao - León” corridor and the “Celaya” corridor maintain the greatest availability of spaces ranging from one thousand to 23 thousand square meters, mainly in the parks of Santa Fe Puerto Interior, Vesta Park, Amistad Celaya Sur and Guanajuato Park .

Check here: More than 40 industrial projects begin in Monterrey in the course of 2024

The “Salamanca” and “San Miguel de Allende” corridors cover industrial spaces from 2,000 to 18,000 square meters in the Sendai industrial parks, Bajío Industrial Park and San Miguel de Allende Industrial Park.

The Guanajuato market is expected to continue with a stable vacancy thanks to the 10 industrial properties that are in the process of construction waiting to be delivered during the year, as these buildings remain fully available.

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