The Sailun company, in the presence of the governor of the state of Guanajuato Diego Shnhue Rodriguez Vallejo, announced the investment of 7.2 billion pesos for the installation of an industrial plant in Irapuato.
The company's management indicated that with this new injection of capital, 1,400 new jobs will be created.
Of interest: Guanajuato has a varied offer of industrial warehouses ready to be occupied
By the end of 2023, it was reported that Sailun had plans to build an industrial warehouse in León, in which an investment of 240 million dollars would be made, this to support passing international trade barriers effectively and with greater competitiveness for the company. zone.
Now with the official announcement the investment strategy to increase its customer base in the entity is confirmed.
Check here: What Industries are looking for industrial warehouses in Tijuana?
For the end of the tour in Asian countries carried out by the governor of the state of Guanajuato, it was detailed that 13,500 million pesos will reach the entity with a main focus on manufacturing, the companies that committed to invest are: NTT Dat, Yusei Holdings and Nien Made Norman.
Brotherhood agreements were also signed with the city of Hiroshima which will allow academic, cultural, sports and commercial exchanges.
In Solili you can check ships available in: Guanajuato , San Luis Potosí & Guadalajara.