Guadalajara went from being an average market to one of the most active in the country
Solili | August 30, 2021 |

In the first 7 months of the year, Guadalajara registered a gross demand of 270.7 thousand square meters that places it in sixth position nationwide.

With an inventory that exceeds 3.6 million square meters, it has been making steady progress in new buildings that show various degrees of progress totaling 233 thousand square meters as registered at the end of June 2021, mostly concentrated on the El Salto submarket.

Guadalajara, during the pandemic period, has gone from being a market with demand behaviors for industrial space that on a quarterly basis hovered between 30,000 and 40,000 square meters to exceeding 100,000 meters on average in the last two quarters of this year.

This derived from the increase in the interest of manufacturing and logistics companies to expand activities in this city and due to the boom in industrial demand by electronic commerce companies, which has made it necessary to locate companies of this type in the city .

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The vacancy has gone from being 6.4% in February 2021 to 2.2% at the end of July 2021, only above Tijuana, which with 1.4% registers the lowest industrial vacancy nationwide. These two markets already manage parameters below the national total of 4.7%.

The gross demand during 2Q 2021 was concentrated in 74% on sizes between 4 and 10 thousand square meters, being the maximum registered size of 15 thousand square meters, located on the El Salto submarket.

With an equitable distribution of the inventory in its three of its main submarkets Zapopan Norte, El Salto and Periférico Sur, the new constructions are located mainly towards the southeast and southwest of the city.

Towards the future, the entity maintains and deepens its innovative orientation and with the help of national and international developers increases the speculative bet in a market that increasingly deepens its size options and innovative design and installation characteristics.

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Vesta, Prologis, Parks, American Industries along with other regional and local developers compete with local investors to prop up this important market as the technological hub of western Mexico.

The level of activity in Guadalajara is expected to increase in the remainder of the year and during 2022 due to the consistency of the low vacancy and the prices that have been increasing in the first months of 2021.

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