Before the new Coronavirus pandemic, few companies in the country offered their collaborators any remote work option.
During the third quarter of 2021, a growing number of companies in Mexico have adopted work at home as a total or partial modality, according to a Bain & Company report.
Four have been the main factors to adopt this work modality, the first being the savings in operating costs ranging from 15 to 30%, with a potential of up to an additional 20% through the redesign of operating processes.
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The second factor, which is the improvement of the value proposition for the employee, has been fundamental, considering that motivated collaborators are twice as productive, this being a consequence of greater autonomy in their activities.
The third position is occupied by access to talent that allows companies a greater base of contacts to global and diverse groups.
Finally, the environmental improvement is evident, since remote work saves up to 600 liters of gasoline, two tons of greenhouse gas emissions and 45 trees for each employee, every year.
In the case of employees, the report indicates, the improvement between the balance of work and family life has been remarkable, thanks to the flexibilization of schedules and the notable reduction of time in home-office, office-home transfers. "Nearly 180 hours of transportation time," explains Bain & Company.
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Likewise, it has allowed the increase of their average savings between 15 thousand and 25 thousand pesos per year.
It should be noted that in Mexico the idea of the Home Office had not proliferated in recent years; However, the health emergency accelerated the digitization of work at an unprecedented rate, impacting the consumption habits of Mexicans.
Finally, the report explains that it should be considered that “successful remote work models include strategic changes”, to give continuity to the culture within a virtual world.
These strategic changes include: process redesign, tactical changes such as Home Office policies, adoption of remote work technologies, and work performance management platforms.
In Solili you can check offices available in Guadalajara, Tijuana and Mexico City
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