Nearshoring and its role in the growth of the automotive industry
Cluster Industrial | July 07, 2022 |

It has certainly been a complicated year full of challenges. However, all these challenges lead us to propose that as of the second half of this year 2022, particularly as of August, we will be seeing a different dynamism than what we have experienced in the last 2 years, where supply chains begin to be carried out and meet a high demand for the end of the year.

Nearshoring, in different continents and regions today, brings us again positive and warm winds towards new opportunities in the region.

Currently within the automotive cluster we can say that more than 80% of the companies that make up the automotive industry in the state of Guanajuato project significant growth and investment within their operations for the next 2 years.

Check here: Ferrero expands operations in Guanajuato and invests 50 million dollars

They base their expectations on the needs of the market towards the electric car, towards new needs of the corporate and production in Mexico, needs and expansions of specialized supply of greater added value.

The context that Guanajuato and the country are experiencing after COVID and the conflicts that we have seen, both in commercial and military terms in the different countries with which we have commercial relations, open up an unprecedented field of opportunity for us.

Within the good news we see that fixed investment in recent months has grown in the country, mainly composed of investment in machinery and equipment, as well as in construction works, a total of 8.4% in April, investment at least already it is 2.8% above what we had in February 2020 prior to the pandemic, which means that the exit from the crisis is already at hand, but it is still 16% below its historical maximum.

Private consumption grows and with this the recovery of jobs not only in the automotive sector, but in general and the country's economy gives us positive signs and some confidence.

Of interest: The Netherlands consolidates interest in developing projects in Querétaro

As never before we have seen a great need for companies seeking to expand new plants or complete new operations in the country, important expansions but at the same time supply needs that give guidelines to cover the needs that corporately potentiate companies in the region to increase their capacities. and therefore generate a wide and greater economic impact.

These and other ideas will be addressed on September 21 and 22 during the Automotive Supply Forum, organized by the Automotive Cluster of Guanajuato (CLAUGTO), according to its general director Alfredo Arzola.

In Solili you can consult industrial warehouses available in Querétaro, San Luis Potosí and Aguascalientes

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