Durango benefits from new industrial investments
Inmobiliare | May 28, 2024 |

The governor of the state of Durango, Esteban Villegas Villareal, reported that this year 31 investments will reach the entity, which translates into 30 billion pesos and more than 26 thousand direct jobs. The entities that will benefit from these conglomerates are; Gómez Palacio, Lerdo, Mapimí and Tlahualilo.

The president highlighted that these new capital injections will be able to change the course of the state, its infrastructure and the preparation of young people so that they can be part of the sector.

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The company's new plant in the municipality of Gómez Palacio was also inaugurated together with directors from Siete Leguas Automotive, which had an investment of 900 million pesos and will generate 300 direct jobs.

Jose Juan Marcos Gonzales, president of the Board of Grupo Siete Lagunas, commented that they continue with the same interest in the growth and development of the Laguna region and are proud to support said community and that is why it was decided to make the investment and grow. in said site.

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The great workforce that the state has was also highlighted, without forgetting its location and factors such as connectivity that make the entity one of the favorites to establish industrial warehouses.

In Solili you can check available buildings in: Chihuahua, Ciudad Juárez Tijuana. 

Original Note.

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