Industrial demand in Monterrey reports 140 thousand m² during July 2024
Solili | August 14, 2024 |

Monterrey continues with its good pace of industrial demand, despite the uncertainty on the part of developers and brokers due to the upcoming elections in the United States, which has even caused Tesla to pause its investment. So far, Monterrey has registered a demand of more than 140 thousand square meters in July 2024 alone, maintaining a positive performance.

See here: Solili Industrial Report July 2024: leasing increases 55% compared to July 2024

Industrial demand in Monterrey reached 144 thousand square meters during July 2024 alone, thus positioning itself as the leader at the national level. This monthly figure exceeds by 78% the total registered in July of last year.

During the month of July 2024, significant investments were made, including the start of construction of various warehouses classified as Build to Suit, which boosted demand for the month, totaling more than 110 thousand square meters.

Ciénega de Flores was the submarket that registered the highest leasing volume, exceeding 60 thousand square meters. It was followed by the Guadalupe submarket, with a gross absorption close to 48 thousand square meters. In both submarkets, demand was driven by two Build to Suit developments.

Of interest: Construction starts in Saltillo exceed 184 thousand m² in the first half of 2024

It is noteworthy that, thanks to institutional developers such as Finsa, American Industries and GP Desarrollos, the industrial demand for the month was entirely classified as class A. Companies are looking to locate themselves in the Northern market, attracted by first-class infrastructure.

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