At the beginning of October 2022, the government of Nuevo León highlighted that in the last year 47 new investments by transnational companies and 43 expansions of companies already installed in the entity materialized, which will generate almost 47 thousand jobs, exceeding 4.1 million dollars in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
According to these official figures, manufacturing leads as the main item with 38% of total FDI. Other important sectors that become part of the investment are the automotive sector with 20%, logistics with 8%, and information and communication technologies with 6% of the total, with the remaining percentage divided into multiple sectors.
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This dynamism permeates the real estate investment figures, which according to Solili's 3Q 2022 report, registers an 11% annual increase in gross industrial demand that reached half a million square meters, placing this market in the second national level, only below Mexico City.
Monterrey achieves this attractiveness for investments by exhibiting its proximity to the state of Texas, which communicates directly with the American market, and the strength of both its infrastructure of industrial facilities and the availability of qualified labor at all levels of production. This boost in demand is due to both new investments and expansions of firms that need to expand their presence in Mexican territory.
If the operation turns out to be very specialized, this market, which has reached a high degree of institutionality, has a large number of developers willing to build a customized industrial facility allowing the client to monitor the entire production phase. The issue of costs and the contractual conditions that are signed become vital at the time of successfully completing the construction, even in the midst of an escalation of inflation that impacts the costs of the main inputs.
The demanded ships that exceed the surfaces of 50 thousand square meters, which reflected their closures between January and September 2022, correspond to projects made to measure or called BTS, which in turn represent a third of the demand registered in these nine months.
Of interest: Industrial demand in Mexico continues unstoppable, grows by 13% during 3Q 2022
If we do the analysis on warehouse areas between 20 and 50 thousand square meters, although the BTS modality still dominates, the speculative modality begins to participate in 18% of the demand, since the size of this investment may correspond to the risk that some developers could assume by belonging to a highly active market.
Going down to the scale of ships between 10 and 20 thousand square meters, the proportion of the BTS with respect to the speculative projects becomes 40% and 60%, respectively, so that as the sizes decrease the number of speculative bidders increases by opening the range to various developers.
The range of demand sectors in this important northern market goes through electronics, metalworking, furniture, automotive, food and logistics sectors as its main strongholds.
Monterrey has consolidated this year as an important center of industrial development in the country, in which not only automotive companies but also different economic branches seek a place in this city, which has allowed it to turn towards diversification, and with it take off in demand and also give greater certainty to developers.