Saltillo is an industrial market with various advantages that favor the attraction of new investments, such as its proximity to Monterrey and its first-class infrastructure, provided by institutional developers in the region. This has generated an accumulated demand of more than 315 thousand square meters so far in 2024.
Of interest: Monterrey reports the highest volume of industrial construction with 1.9 million m²
In the period of January-September 2024, the accumulated industrial demand in Saltillo exceeded 315 thousand square meters. The companies have installed themselves in buildings that vary from 2 thousand square meters to 40 thousand square meters, the latter being a Build to Suit project located in Alianza Derramadero.
Ramos Arizpe continues to be the most prominent corridor for attracting investment and industrial development in the Saltillo market, concentrating 60% of total industrial demand so far in 2024.
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The Derramadero area has played an important role in attracting investment for the city, adding more than 90 thousand square meters in demand. This demand has been driven mainly by Build to Suit projects, mostly coming from companies in the automotive sector.
So far in 2024, closures of great relevance to the region have been recorded, such as that of the Japanese company Yokohama, and the companies Weidmann and Eaglerise, each demanding more than 30 thousand square meters of space.