Industrial demand Ciudad Juárez accumulates 8% of the industrial demand nationwide
Solili | September 06, 2023 |

With figures processed by the Solili platform at the end of August 2023, the accumulated demand in Ciudad Juárez so far this year exceeds 307 thousand square meters, which represents almost 8% of the national total.

About half a dozen developers manage to capture the needs of companies seeking to satisfy their requirements for industrial spaces. 

The surfaces demanded in the first two quarters of the year range from 5,000 to 43,000 square meters, the latter located on the Southeast submarket and corresponds to a company with transportation and logistics operations that operates on both sides of the border.

Check here: Solili Industrial Report August 2023, Mexico City retakes the lead with 146 thousand m² leased

It is in this same submarket that demand has accumulated by 40% during the first two quarters of 2023, leaving the rest divided between the South and Southwest submarkets with 37% and 23%, respectively.

If we analyze the composition of the lines of demand, the logistics sector largely dominates with a lower participation of a couple of manufacturing companies and another couple of firms in the electronics line that located industrial spaces between 11 and 20 thousand square meters.

The General Directorate of Economic Development of the Juárez municipality ratified at the end of May the interest of at least 40 companies from Canada, the United Kingdom, South Korea, China and the United States that are exploring the opportunity to relocate their productions in this border market to Mexico.

The Chihuahua entity, to which Ciudad Juárez belongs, is consolidated as a leader in the manufacturing industry at the national level, according to official figures from the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information Technology, based on the results of 2022 and what is to come of 2023.

Of interest: Cuautitlán and Tultitlán industrial submarkets concentrate 70% of the construction in CDMX

Since the first quarter of 2023, Chihuahua ranks first with 16,933 million dollars, which represents 13.3% of the total nationwide. They are followed by Coahuila, Nuevo León, Baja California y Guanajuato. In exports linked to the electronics sector, Chihuahua also maintains leadership at the national level.

The reported figures for high value-added manufacturing tip the balance so that the main markets of the entity, such as Ciudad Juárez, project significant increases in industrial demand for the remainder of 2023 and 2024.

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