Corporate submarket Juriquilla concentrates office leasing in Querétaro
Solili | July 31, 2024 |

At the close of Q2 2024, the Querétaro office market obtained an accumulated gross demand of 2.8 thousand square meters. On this occasion, it was the Juriquilla corridor where the greatest activity took place, concentrating 49% of the absorptions.

Of interest: Office supply in León, Guanajuato reports strong increase in the last year

In addition to the leasing activity in Juriquilla, two buildings with almost 13 thousand square meters of office space distributed in two buildings were recently brought into operation in this corridor, WTC Juriquilla with the opening of its Tower III and Corporativo Aqua. It currently ranks third in inventory with almost 20% of the total.

On the other hand, the Central South corridor, the largest in the State with 35% of the total inventory, showed growth in its buildings under construction since the construction of Cápita Sur, an important corporate building, office and shopping plaza project, began. with a net profitable area of 12.5 thousand square meters of offices, without a doubt a development of great magnitude for Querétaro.

Check here: Office supply in Mérida reports a decrease during the 2nd quarter of 2024

In addition to the buildings that began operations and their new construction, Querétaro was positioned this first half of the year in one of the 4 states that obtained an increase in their FDI and was chosen as the destination of the new Google Data Center for 2025.

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