Investments continue in new industrial parks in the Tijuana market
Solili | June 26, 2024 |

The Tijuana industrial market is one of the most active nationwide with an inventory that exceeds 9.2 million square meters. The border city has been able to take advantage of factors such as its privileged location, as well as the phenomenon of company relocation that has strongly benefited the industrial sector.

Of interest: Saltillo's accumulated demand from January-May exceeds that registered in 2023 by 20>#/b###

The high demand for infrastructure has generated a boom in the construction sector and the arrival of new projects and industrial parks. As of June 2024, industrial construction activity reports a figure of more than 500 thousand square meters in the development process.

The projects are distributed throughout the city in a total of 28 buildings with spaces that are ready for pre-leasing ranging from 4 thousand to 38 thousand square meters.

Check here: Industrial demand in Mexico City increases 35% compared to May 2023

The industrial submarkets with the greatest growth because they are the areas that have the largest territorial reserves for industrial use are Pacifico-Nordika, Rosarito and El Florido-Boulevard 2000, the latter having a considerable expansion in the eastern area that borders the industrial market of Tecate.

Among the most recent projects that report the start of construction during the second quarter of the year, are projects such as the new industrial parks: Deer Park, Monteverde and Pacific East. All located in the El Florido-Boulevard 2000 submarket.

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