They lay the first stone of the new Becton Dickinson plant in Ciudad Juárez
El Economista | July 15, 2024 |

On a working tour of Ciudad Juárez, Governor María Eugenia Campos Galván led the laying of the first stone of the new sterilization plant of the Becton Dickinson company.

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According to the information, the work will have a total investment of close to $80 million dollars and once completed it will directly benefit the industrial development of the border region.

For his part, Julio Duclos, general director of Becton Dickinson Mexico and Central America, commented that this work marks a milestone in the history of the company, since it represents a renewed commitment to the creation of jobs and the development of the state of Chihuahua.

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So far, the company already has two plants in the state and with the new construction, it reaffirms its confidence in Chihuahua as an investment destination, in addition to increasing the employment offer in the region. 

At Solili you can consult industrial warehouses available in: Chihuahua, Guadalajara y Guanajuato. 

Original Note.

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