Office leasing in Monterrey reaches 21 thousand m² in Q2 of 2024
Solili | July 23, 2024 |

At the end of Q2 2024, the gross demand for offices in Monterrey reached 21 thousand square meters with absorptions in 6 of its 8 corridors, concentrating mainly in Centro, Valle Oriente and Santa María. In this quarter, the month with the most demand was April with 8.4 thousand square meters.

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The Centro corridor obtained 38% of the absorptions with almost 8 thousand square meters, of which the rentals of PuntAcero, Pabellón M and Torre SOHL stood out, which continues with the sale of its spaces under construction.

Valle Oriente has 30% of the demand, with 6.2 thousand square meters in rents which on this occasion were divided in almost the same proportion between class A with buildings such as Helicon, Torre KOI and Torre Cinco and class B with absorptions that were presented in Torre Groundwork, Convex - Jardín Building and Alestra.

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On the other hand, Santa María, with 24% of rentals, ranked third and although the number of transactions was lower, the rented spaces were large in size, up to 1.2 thousand square meters.

Since the 3Q of 2021, the Monterrey office market has presented positive absorptions, this coupled with the fact that the inventory growth in this first half of the year has had little movement, incorporating 35 thousand square meters into the supply of spaces, it has had an impact on a rate availability with a downward trend that closed in June of this year at 14%.

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