4.2 million households have a mortgage loan
Real Estate Market & Lifestyle | November 11, 2021 |

Mortgage credit is the financial instrument that makes it easier for individuals and families to access an asset, be it a house, an apartment, a piece of land or being able to build.

According to the National Survey on Household Finances (ENFIH), 4.2 million households have a mortgage loan, prepared in 2019 by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography INEGI in collaboration with the Bank of Mexico.

The survey carried out indicates that of the 20.9 million households in the country, 14.3% have mortgage debt for their main home and 6.8% for debt from other properties. The latter refers to a home other than the main one or premises, land, offices, among other real estate.

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Likewise, of the total value of household debt amounting to 1.6 trillion pesos, the greatest weight in the distribution of debt is concentrated in the main home with 38.7% of the total, followed by debt in other properties.

INEGI reports that as a whole, “the mortgage debt (real estate) amounts to 55.4% of the total value of the debt. The median value of household mortgage debt is 250 thousand pesos; its average value is located at 317 thousand pesos ”.

Of interest: Housing and main assets of Mexicans

For households that have mortgage debt this represents 50% in relation to the value of the main home; the monthly payments made to settle the mortgage debt by households represent 15.0% in relation to the monthly effective current income.

According to information from Banxico, the bank's loan portfolio at the end of September was one trillion 51 thousand 800 million pesos, but the portfolio of Infonavit and Fovissste is much larger.

Housing is the main patrimony of Mexicans and mortgage credit is the best instrument to access that patrimony.

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