Leading developers bet on Ciudad Juárez expanding industrial portfolios
Solili | April 20, 2023 |

With an interannual growth rate of its industrial building inventory of more than 5% during the last two years, this frontier market has been decisive for the growth of various investors and portfolios that cover various markets nationwide.

Factors such as the availability of electricity and gas supply, together with the guarantee of white water service sources and sewage disposal have been decisive in triggering investor interest in this market, driving demand and therefore construction.

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During the last two years Ciudad Juárez has managed to accumulate a gross demand that has allowed it to be among the top positions nationwide. During the first quarter of the year, the growth commitment of the logistics and electronics sector took the lead, concentrating the largest number of rental transactions.

Construction is not far behind and only in the first quarter of the year did projects begin for new 70,000-square-meter industrial buildings, which are incorporated into the total number of projects that have been in progress since 2022.

On the South submarket is the largest number of buildings that exceed 80% of the total that is built and where the speculative modality has increased its participation even more if compared to the behavior registered during 2022.

Developers such as Meor already began construction of their Hubs Park format in mid-2022 with a total of 85,000 square meters of surface area in Ciudad Juárez with an investment of 600 million pesos, in response to strong demand in the area. The first of the three ships proposed by this group would be delivered in April 2023, while the rest of the development planned to be completed by the end of the year.

At the beginning of the last quarter of 2022, Roca Desarrollos also began its investment of 45 million dollars in its Roca Independencia Industrial Park, where a little more than 57,000 square meters will be built, involving three industrial plants where two of them were already prepared from the beginning of His construction.

At the end of 2022, Fibra Nova, attracted by Ciudad Juárez, also began the development of warehouses for 63.5 thousand square meters where they already had significant progress with letters of intent for rent, which would allow them to develop the first phase of this project. Likewise, as part of the expansion plan, they are developing a second phase in 2023 where they plan about 6.5 million dollars in annual revenue for the four ships under development.

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American Industries published its investment, expansion and development plans for new industrial parks in Mexico by 2023, and reiterated its interest in this northern market, where they have accumulated an investment of more than 150 million dollars.

Finally, Fibra Macquaire at the end of the first quarter of 2023 marks the start of 230,000 square meters that will be developed with the construction of 10 industrial buildings.

These are just some of the developers who are planning to increase their market share, which is still below half a percentage point, and the rental price scenario will continue to increase in the immediate future.

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